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电子信箱: hcui@theweddingringblog.com


崔晗,英才教授,硕士/博士生导师,国家级青年人才项目入选者。于2011年本科毕业于bet365官网,于2013年、2017年分别获得美国弗吉尼亚理工大学CPES电力电子中心硕士、博士学位,于2017-2019年在美国加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA做博士后研究。2020年获得美国田纳西大学CURENT电力电子中心正式教职,担任助理教授独立开展科研教学工作,期间做为PI主持来自美国政府和工业界超百万美元项目,教学评价全A。于20238月全职加入bet365官网bet365官网学院。主要科研方向为宽禁带器件应用中的高密度磁元件优化与设计,高频高效电源模块封装和集成,电磁干扰分析及磁材料微观层面建模和应用。担任IEEE 电力电子学会(PELS)公关部主席,IEEE高级会员,IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification副主编,中国电源学会磁技术专业委员会委员。


(1)      2023.08-至今    bet365官网 电气bet365官网与信息工程学院   电气工程系,教授

(2)      2020.01-2023.07   University of Tennessee, Knoxville, CURENT助理教授

(3)      2017.08-2019.10   University of California, Los Angeles,  博士后

(4)      2013.06-2017.06       Virginia Tech, CPES研究中心,博士  

(5)      2011.08-2013.05       Virginia Tech, CPES研究中心,硕士  

(6)      2007.09-2011.06       bet365官网电子信息工程学院,学士  



(1)      电力电子磁元件仿真、建模、设计

(2)      宽禁带半导体应用中的高密度磁元件和磁集成

(3)      高频高效电源模块设计和封装

(4)      电磁兼容性能分析和无源滤波器设计




(1)      H. Cui, S. Dulal, S. B. Sohid, G. Gu, and L. Tolbert, “Unveiling the microworld inside magnetic materials via circuit models,” IEEE Power Electron. Mag., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 14-22, Sept. 2023.

(2)      X. Tian, N. Jia, D. Devoto, P. Paret, H. Bai, L. Tolbert, H. Cui, “PCB-on-DBC GaN power module design with high-density integration and double-sided cooling,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Early Access, 2023.

(3)      B. -A. Herrera-Aparicio, I. Araujo-Vargas, K. Cano-Pulido, H. Cui, T. -R. Granados-Luna and C. -I. López-Salgado, "Design and Assessment of a Planar Inductor for a 32 kW High Power Density DC-DC Converter," IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Top. Power Electron., vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 3359-3370, June 2023.

(4)      N. Jia, X. Tian, L. Xue, H. Bai, L. M. Tolbert and H. Cui, "Integrated Common-Mode Filter for GaN Power Module with Improved High-Frequency EMI Performance," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 6897-6901, Jun. 2023.

(5)      Q. Gao, M. E. Fordham, W. Gu, H. Cui, Y. E. Wang, “Demystify RF Magnetics with Linear and Nonlinear Equivalent Circuit Models,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 28-47, Nov. 2022.

(6)      W. Zhang, S. B. Sohid, F. Wang, H. Cui, B. Holzinger, “High-Bandwidth Combinational Rogowski Coil for SiC MOSFET Power Module,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 4397-4405, April 2022.

(7)      H. Cui, Z. Yao, and Y. E. Wang, "Coupling electromagnetic waves to spin waves: a physics-based nonlinear circuit model for frequency-selective limiters," IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn., vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 3221-3229, Aug. 2019.

(8)      H. Cui and K. D. T. Ngo, “Transient core-loss simulation for ferrites with non-uniform field in SPICE,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 659-667, Jan. 2019.

(9)      H. Cui, K. D. T. Ngo, J. Moss, M. H. Lim, and E. Rey, "Synthesis and design of a distributed inductor," IEEE Trans. Industrial Electron., vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 5351-5359, Jul. 2017.

(10)   H. Cui, J. Mullenix, R. Massolini and K. D. T. Ngo, "Field modeling for plate-core inductor with significant fringing using equal-flux contours," IEEE Trans. Magnetics, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 1-10, Sept. 2017.

(11)   H. Cui, K. D. T. Ngo, J. Moss, M. H. Lim, and E. Rey, "Inductor geometry with improved energy density," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 5446-5453, Oct. 2014. 


(1)      K. D. T. Ngo, H. Cui, “Compact Inductor Employing Redistributed Magnetic Flux,” US 20150279548 A1

(2)      K. D. T. Ngo, C. Wang, H. Cui, “Cooler with EMI-Limiting Inductor,” US 20180122746 A1



UTK 期间:

(1)      Fundamentals of Power Electronics 电力电子基础

(2)      Characterization of Wide Bandgap Devices 宽禁带器件表征

(3)      High-Frequency Power Magnetics and EMI 高频电源磁设计与电磁兼容

(4)      Fields 电磁场


(1)      IEEE 电力电子学会(PELS)公关部主席

(2)      IEEE高级会员

(3)      IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification副主编

(4)    中国电源学会磁技术专业委员会委员

(5)    历年电力电子国际会议ECCEAPEC组织委员会委员

(6)    IEEE PELS 数字媒体与教育委员会委员,P3 Talk组织委员

(7)    多项IEEE Transactions期刊审稿人

(8)    2021-2022美国自然科学基金评审委员会委员